First results: Sigma 85mm 1.4 Art
Last week I got the new long anticipated Sigma 85mm 1.4 Art. This weekend I gave two workshops in which I could make some first test shots! The results are great! I shot all most all photo's at 1.4, 2.0 or 5.6 and the parts that are in focus are very sharp! But remember, you need to focus spot on the eye when shooting on 1.4 , because the depth of field can be really shallow shooting close up.

In the upcoming weeks I have some more shoots with which I will also be using the Sigma 85mm 1.4 Art so I can really test it and will write a real review soon.
A few first comments about the Sigma 85 mm 1.4 art are that it is quite heavy, and the front element diameter of 86mm is big and rare, so it is hard to find a 3 stops ND filter for it, so got a 2 stops now. But they will be coming soon. But overal it is a great portrait lens!