Hasselblad Session: Get Hurt
Since a couple of weeks I have borrowed the Hasselblad 500 c/m with the Planar 80mm, 2.8 lens from Hans van Ommeren. I have always loved the look of the Hasselblad 500 series camera, but never worked with one. So before I'm going to buy one, I wanted to test a 500 series camera to see if it works for me. So I set up a session to test it out
The concept
For this shot I wanted to photograph it as a small six story picture telling a story. In the end It became two stories. I only wanted to do it with one roll off Kodak T-Max100 Black and white film.The Analog one shot with the Hasselblad 500c/m and the one shot with the Nikon D800, more on this later.
I wanted to tel the story the story of somebody who lost everything and goes somewhere to get hurt. This was inspired by te Gaslight Anthem song called "get Hurt".
The Team
Due the power of Facebook I could get a team together quickly. I had the concept Tuesday and the team within a few hours after posting for help on Facebook. The team was:
Mike Foto: Light Assistent
Martijn Koekkoek: Camera Assistent
Elvira Korsten; MUAH
Michel Mens: Model
Suraya: Model
The Film SerieS of "Get Hurt"

The Digital Series of "get Hurt"
Because I was using the Nikon D800 with the Nikon 50mm 1.8 lens as reference camera, so I could set every thing up an test the lightning without spilling any film, after finishing the analog shots we got a few extra ideas. While I was watching these in post the story changed.

In de digital series the Story changed a little bit. Because we got a few ideas after we finished the one roll of film. So know I would lik to hear from jou which ones you do prefer! Film or Digital? Post it in a comment below!