Review: Pipeline Reporter kit
During my visit at the IBC (read my IBC blog HERE) spotted the Pipeline Reporterkit made by the Danish company Brother, Brother and Son. At forst sight I looked like a great product for portrait and product photography. The kit is officially designed for reporters who need a small light kit to lit themselves quick and easily. And for that job it works great! I really think it is a great product voor CamJo, vloggers and other people who have to create video's everywhere.
The Pipeline Reporter Kit

The kit includes 2 small pipe light. Due the phosphor panels you get nice and even light from the two bars. On the back is a small knob to control the power output. You can also change the White balance by chancing the phosphor light bars. There are also two small stand to put the lights on and the adapter and cabling.
As you might have noticed in the intro there is a great but. But this but is mainly for photography. I was hoping to use this kit a nice light for a kind of Martin Schoeller looking portraits (for more about Martin click HERE) or for product photography. But and now really comes the but! They don't have enough power to really lit somebody when there is normal daylight or TL light. For shooting people and products I had to use longer shutter times, higher ISO of aperture. Which also let a lot of environmental light in. In dark environments I will probably work better. But I mainly have to work during office our and in offices, so for my personal taste it isn't THE product I would like it to be. It are not poor mans Kinolights.
For video the light give enough light to lit up some body enough, but for photo's I want to have control and better quality.
Here are some test shots. There is a shot with and with out the kit on full power.

In my opinion this kit is great for traveling reporters who need a simple lighting setup for every where they might go. For photography I am not so pleased with it as I thought I would be.
IBC 2015
Today I visited the IBC in the RAI Amsterdam. For the people who don;t know what the IBC is, it is International Broadcasting Conference. So you can gat everything from cables to camera's to software to satellite trucks and everything you nee for video or starting your own TV network!
Every 2 year I like to visit the exhibition. And to be honest there wasn't a lot of NEW stuff I was exited about for the things I do. There where a lot of Chinees manufacturers with really sad looking people in their stands looking at there smart phone. On the whole 13 hall exhibition received a total of three goof mornings/good days! So exhibition people, if you want to sell, speak to people and at least try to look friendly/open!
My Headlines:
For me there where a few things I want to talk about:
Atomos had a great booth. But that was not the greatest thing. Because that was the MASSIVE price drop they announced. The Atoms Ninja Blade wil drop form around €1000,- to €495 excl. VAT. And that is something great. I always liked the idea of the Atoms gear but is was just a little bit to expensive for the amount of video work I do. But at this price point it is justifiable to buy one! So I just have to wait a little until the price in the retails stores a dropped and then I will order one!
For your information. Almost all prices dropped, so also of their the products.
Pipeline reporter kit
This was also a product which caught my eye. The Pipeline reporter kit. It is a small kit of two 30cm continuos light strips. The great thing i that it isn't LED but Phosphor based light. It gives a great soft light and comes with different temparatures of light. The kit is designed for reporters and vloggers to use as lighting. But I also really want to try it out for portrait and product photography. So I spoken to the sales guys and I am getting a test kit so later I will be back with a review blog!
Click here to go the the website
That where my highlights of the IBC show. Off course if you are totally in to video and visited the IBC you will have seen way more new stuff. But for me these where the things that where my favorites to mention about!